Sunday, September 25, 2011

On Deleting Facebook "Friends"

So I've spent pretty much all day deleting people from Facebook and reorganizing my friends lists and resetting my privacy settings and here are a few things I've noticed.

(1) There are lots of people who are inactive on Facebook, and those people are the easiest to delete, because there is nothing worth creeping.

(2) People with babies or who are pregnant will always stay on my friends list until such a time that they become really obnoxious, or their kids stops being cute.

(3) I'm less likely to delete you if we recently became friends, even though in about 6 more months, I'll probably delete you.

(4) There is a fine line between people who I really don't like and delete, and people who I really don't like, but do like to creep upon occasionally.

(5) My "close friends" shift every few months.

The End.

P.S. I have a BUNCH of posts that I need to write, so look forward to that coming very very soon!

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